Inheritance diagram for IPython.parallel.engine.kernelstarter:
KernelStarter class that intercepts Control Queue messages, and handles process management.
Bases: object
Object for resetting/killing the Kernel.
Returns whether a kernel process has been specified for the kernel manager.
Interrupts the kernel. Unlike signal_kernel, this operation is well supported on all platforms.
Is the kernel process still running?
Kill the running kernel.
Restarts a kernel with the same arguments that were used to launch it. If the old kernel was launched with random ports, the same ports will be used for the new kernel.
Parameters : | now : bool, optional
Attempts to the stop the kernel process cleanly. If the kernel cannot be stopped, it is killed, if possible.
Sends a signal to the kernel. Note that since only SIGTERM is supported on Windows, this function is only useful on Unix systems.
Starts a kernel process and configures the manager to use it.
If random ports (port=0) are being used, this method must be called before the channels are created.
entry point function for launching a kernelstarter in a subprocess