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Module: parallel.client.remotefunction

Remote Functions and decorators for Views.


  • Brian Granger
  • Min RK

2 Classes

class IPython.parallel.client.remotefunction.RemoteFunction(view, f, block=None, **flags)

Bases: object

Turn an existing function into a remote function.


view : View instance

The view to be used for execution

f : callable

The function to be wrapped into a remote function

block : bool [default: None]

Whether to wait for results or not. The default behavior is to use the current block attribute of view

**flags : remaining kwargs are passed to View.temp_flags

__init__(view, f, block=None, **flags)
class IPython.parallel.client.remotefunction.ParallelFunction(view, f, dist='b', block=None, chunksize=None, ordered=True, **flags)

Bases: IPython.parallel.client.remotefunction.RemoteFunction

Class for mapping a function to sequences.

This will distribute the sequences according the a mapper, and call the function on each sub-sequence. If called via map, then the function will be called once on each element, rather that each sub-sequence.


view : View instance

The view to be used for execution

f : callable

The function to be wrapped into a remote function

dist : str [default: ‘b’]

The key for which mapObject to use to distribute sequences options are:

  • ‘b’ : use contiguous chunks in order
  • ‘r’ : use round-robin striping

block : bool [default: None]

Whether to wait for results or not. The default behavior is to use the current block attribute of view

chunksize : int or None

The size of chunk to use when breaking up sequences in a load-balanced manner

ordered : bool [default: True]

Whether the result should be kept in order. If False, results become available as they arrive, regardless of submission order.

**flags : remaining kwargs are passed to View.temp_flags

__init__(view, f, dist='b', block=None, chunksize=None, ordered=True, **flags)

call a function on each element of one or more sequence(s) remotely. This should behave very much like the builtin map, but return an AsyncMapResult if self.block is False.

That means it can take generators (will be cast to lists locally), and mismatched sequence lengths will be padded with None.

4 Functions

IPython.parallel.client.remotefunction.remote(view, block=None, **flags)

Turn a function into a remote function.

This method can be used for map:

In [1]: @remote(view,block=True)
...: def func(a): ...: pass
IPython.parallel.client.remotefunction.parallel(view, dist='b', block=None, ordered=True, **flags)

Turn a function into a parallel remote function.

This method can be used for map:

In [1]: @parallel(view, block=True)
...: def func(a): ...: pass

Get the name of an object.

For use in case of callables that are not functions, and thus may not have __name__ defined.

Order: f.__name__ > f.name > str(f)


sync relevant results from self.client to our results attribute.

This is a clone of view.sync_results, but for remote functions