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Module: utils.py3compat
Compatibility tricks for Python 3. Mainly to do with unicode.
1 Class
class IPython.utils.py3compat.open(fname, mode='r', encoding='utf-8')
Bases: object
Wrapper providing key part of Python 3 open() interface.
__init__(fname, mode='r', encoding='utf-8')
11 Functions
IPython.utils.py3compat.no_code(x, encoding=None)
IPython.utils.py3compat.decode(s, encoding=None)
IPython.utils.py3compat.encode(u, encoding=None)
IPython.utils.py3compat.cast_unicode(s, encoding=None)
IPython.utils.py3compat.cast_bytes(s, encoding=None)
unicode(e) with various fallbacks. Used for exceptions, which may not be
safe to call unicode() on.
IPython.utils.py3compat.isidentifier(s, dotted=False)
IPython.utils.py3compat.execfile(fname, *where)
“{u}’abc’” –> “u’abc’” (Python 2)
Accepts a string or a function, so it can be used as a decorator.
IPython.utils.py3compat.MethodType(func, instance)