
This documentation is for an old version of IPython. You can find docs for newer versions here.

IPython kernel options

These options can be used in ipython_kernel_config.py

IPKernelApp.auto_create : Bool

Default: False

Whether to create profile dir if it doesn’t exist

IPKernelApp.code_to_run : Unicode

Default: ''

Execute the given command string.

IPKernelApp.connection_file : Unicode

Default: ''

JSON file in which to store connection info [default: kernel-<pid>.json]

This file will contain the IP, ports, and authentication key needed to connect clients to this kernel. By default, this file will be created in the security dir of the current profile, but can be specified by absolute path.

IPKernelApp.control_port : Int

Default: 0

set the control (ROUTER) port [default: random]

IPKernelApp.copy_config_files : Bool

Default: False

Whether to install the default config files into the profile dir. If a new profile is being created, and IPython contains config files for that profile, then they will be staged into the new directory. Otherwise, default config files will be automatically generated.

IPKernelApp.displayhook_class : DottedObjectName

Default: 'IPython.kernel.zmq.displayhook.ZMQDisplayHook'

The importstring for the DisplayHook factory

IPKernelApp.exec_PYTHONSTARTUP : Bool

Default: True

Run the file referenced by the PYTHONSTARTUP environment variable at IPython startup.

IPKernelApp.exec_files : List

Default: []

List of files to run at IPython startup.

IPKernelApp.exec_lines : List

Default: []

lines of code to run at IPython startup.

IPKernelApp.extensions : List

Default: []

A list of dotted module names of IPython extensions to load.

IPKernelApp.extra_config_file : Unicode

Default: ''

Path to an extra config file to load.

If specified, load this config file in addition to any other IPython config.

IPKernelApp.extra_extension : Unicode

Default: ''

dotted module name of an IPython extension to load.

IPKernelApp.file_to_run : Unicode

Default: ''

A file to be run

IPKernelApp.gui : ‘glut’|’gtk’|’gtk3’|’osx’|’pyglet’|’qt’|’qt5’|’tk’|’wx’
Enable GUI event loop integration with any of (‘glut’, ‘gtk’, ‘gtk3’, ‘osx’, ‘pyglet’, ‘qt’, ‘qt5’, ‘tk’, ‘wx’).
IPKernelApp.hb_port : Int

Default: 0

set the heartbeat port [default: random]

IPKernelApp.hide_initial_ns : Bool

Default: True

Should variables loaded at startup (by startup files, exec_lines, etc.) be hidden from tools like %who?

IPKernelApp.interrupt : Int

Default: 0

ONLY USED ON WINDOWS Interrupt this process when the parent is signaled.

IPKernelApp.iopub_port : Int

Default: 0

set the iopub (PUB) port [default: random]

IPKernelApp.ip : Unicode

Default: ''

Set the kernel’s IP address [default localhost]. If the IP address is something other than localhost, then Consoles on other machines will be able to connect to the Kernel, so be careful!

IPKernelApp.ipython_dir : Unicode

Default: ''

The name of the IPython directory. This directory is used for logging configuration (through profiles), history storage, etc. The default is usually $HOME/.ipython. This option can also be specified through the environment variable IPYTHONDIR.

IPKernelApp.kernel_class : Type

Default: <class 'IPython.kernel.zmq.ipkernel.IPythonKernel'>

The Kernel subclass to be used.

This should allow easy re-use of the IPKernelApp entry point to configure and launch kernels other than IPython’s own.

IPKernelApp.log_datefmt : Unicode

Default: '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'

The date format used by logging formatters for %(asctime)s

IPKernelApp.log_format : Unicode

Default: '[%(name)s]%(highlevel)s %(message)s'

The Logging format template

IPKernelApp.log_level : 0|10|20|30|40|50|’DEBUG’|’INFO’|’WARN’|’ERROR’|’CRITICAL’

Default: 30

Set the log level by value or name.

IPKernelApp.matplotlib : ‘auto’|’gtk’|’gtk3’|’inline’|’nbagg’|’notebook’|’osx’|’qt’|’qt4’|’qt5’|’tk’|’wx’
Configure matplotlib for interactive use with the default matplotlib backend.
IPKernelApp.module_to_run : Unicode

Default: ''

Run the module as a script.

IPKernelApp.no_stderr : Bool

Default: False

redirect stderr to the null device

IPKernelApp.no_stdout : Bool

Default: False

redirect stdout to the null device

IPKernelApp.outstream_class : DottedObjectName

Default: 'IPython.kernel.zmq.iostream.OutStream'

The importstring for the OutStream factory

IPKernelApp.overwrite : Bool

Default: False

Whether to overwrite existing config files when copying

IPKernelApp.parent_handle : Int

Default: 0

kill this process if its parent dies. On Windows, the argument specifies the HANDLE of the parent process, otherwise it is simply boolean.

IPKernelApp.profile : Unicode

Default: 'default'

The IPython profile to use.

IPKernelApp.pylab : ‘auto’|’gtk’|’gtk3’|’inline’|’nbagg’|’notebook’|’osx’|’qt’|’qt4’|’qt5’|’tk’|’wx’
Pre-load matplotlib and numpy for interactive use, selecting a particular matplotlib backend and loop integration.
IPKernelApp.pylab_import_all : Bool

Default: True

If true, IPython will populate the user namespace with numpy, pylab, etc. and an import * is done from numpy and pylab, when using pylab mode.

When False, pylab mode should not import any names into the user namespace.

IPKernelApp.reraise_ipython_extension_failures : Bool

Default: False

Reraise exceptions encountered loading IPython extensions?

IPKernelApp.shell_port : Int

Default: 0

set the shell (ROUTER) port [default: random]

IPKernelApp.stdin_port : Int

Default: 0

set the stdin (ROUTER) port [default: random]

IPKernelApp.transport : ‘tcp’|’ipc’

Default: 'tcp'

No description

IPKernelApp.verbose_crash : Bool

Default: False

Create a massive crash report when IPython encounters what may be an internal error. The default is to append a short message to the usual traceback

IPythonKernel._darwin_app_nap : Bool

Default: True

Whether to use appnope for compatiblity with OS X App Nap.

Only affects OS X >= 10.9.

IPythonKernel._execute_sleep : Float

Default: 0.0005

No description

IPythonKernel._poll_interval : Float

Default: 0.05

No description

ZMQInteractiveShell.ast_node_interactivity : ‘all’|’last’|’last_expr’|’none’

Default: 'last_expr'

‘all’, ‘last’, ‘last_expr’ or ‘none’, specifying which nodes should be run interactively (displaying output from expressions).

ZMQInteractiveShell.ast_transformers : List

Default: []

A list of ast.NodeTransformer subclass instances, which will be applied to user input before code is run.

ZMQInteractiveShell.autocall : 0|1|2

Default: 0

Make IPython automatically call any callable object even if you didn’t type explicit parentheses. For example, ‘str 43’ becomes ‘str(43)’ automatically. The value can be ‘0’ to disable the feature, ‘1’ for ‘smart’ autocall, where it is not applied if there are no more arguments on the line, and ‘2’ for ‘full’ autocall, where all callable objects are automatically called (even if no arguments are present).

ZMQInteractiveShell.automagic : CBool

Default: True

Enable magic commands to be called without the leading %.

ZMQInteractiveShell.banner1 : Unicode

Default: 'Python 3.5.0 |Continuum Analytics, Inc.| (default, Sep 13 20...

The part of the banner to be printed before the profile

ZMQInteractiveShell.banner2 : Unicode

Default: ''

The part of the banner to be printed after the profile

ZMQInteractiveShell.cache_size : Int

Default: 1000

Set the size of the output cache. The default is 1000, you can change it permanently in your config file. Setting it to 0 completely disables the caching system, and the minimum value accepted is 20 (if you provide a value less than 20, it is reset to 0 and a warning is issued). This limit is defined because otherwise you’ll spend more time re-flushing a too small cache than working

ZMQInteractiveShell.color_info : CBool

Default: True

Use colors for displaying information about objects. Because this information is passed through a pager (like ‘less’), and some pagers get confused with color codes, this capability can be turned off.

ZMQInteractiveShell.colors : ‘NoColor’|’LightBG’|’Linux’

Default: 'LightBG'

Set the color scheme (NoColor, Linux, or LightBG).

ZMQInteractiveShell.debug : CBool

Default: False

No description

ZMQInteractiveShell.deep_reload : CBool

Default: False

Enable deep (recursive) reloading by default. IPython can use the deep_reload module which reloads changes in modules recursively (it replaces the reload() function, so you don’t need to change anything to use it). deep_reload() forces a full reload of modules whose code may have changed, which the default reload() function does not. When deep_reload is off, IPython will use the normal reload(), but deep_reload will still be available as dreload().

ZMQInteractiveShell.disable_failing_post_execute : CBool

Default: False

Don’t call post-execute functions that have failed in the past.

ZMQInteractiveShell.display_page : Bool

Default: False

If True, anything that would be passed to the pager will be displayed as regular output instead.

ZMQInteractiveShell.history_length : Int

Default: 10000

No description

ZMQInteractiveShell.ipython_dir : Unicode

Default: ''

No description

ZMQInteractiveShell.logappend : Unicode

Default: ''

Start logging to the given file in append mode. Use logfile to specify a log file to overwrite logs to.

ZMQInteractiveShell.logfile : Unicode

Default: ''

The name of the logfile to use.

ZMQInteractiveShell.logstart : CBool

Default: False

Start logging to the default log file in overwrite mode. Use logappend to specify a log file to append logs to.

ZMQInteractiveShell.multiline_history : CBool

Default: True

Save multi-line entries as one entry in readline history

ZMQInteractiveShell.object_info_string_level : 0|1|2

Default: 0

No description

ZMQInteractiveShell.pdb : CBool

Default: False

Automatically call the pdb debugger after every exception.

ZMQInteractiveShell.prompt_in1 : Unicode

Default: 'In [\#]: '

Deprecated, use PromptManager.in_template

ZMQInteractiveShell.prompt_in2 : Unicode

Default: '   .\D.: '

Deprecated, use PromptManager.in2_template

ZMQInteractiveShell.prompt_out : Unicode

Default: 'Out[\#]: '

Deprecated, use PromptManager.out_template

ZMQInteractiveShell.prompts_pad_left : CBool

Default: True

Deprecated, use PromptManager.justify

ZMQInteractiveShell.quiet : CBool

Default: False

No description

ZMQInteractiveShell.readline_parse_and_bind : List

Default: ['tab: complete', '"\C-l": clear-screen', 'set show-all-if-a...

No description

ZMQInteractiveShell.readline_remove_delims : Unicode

Default: '-/~'

No description

ZMQInteractiveShell.separate_in : SeparateUnicode

Default: '\n'

No description

ZMQInteractiveShell.separate_out : SeparateUnicode

Default: ''

No description

ZMQInteractiveShell.separate_out2 : SeparateUnicode

Default: ''

No description

ZMQInteractiveShell.show_rewritten_input : CBool

Default: True

Show rewritten input, e.g. for autocall.

ZMQInteractiveShell.wildcards_case_sensitive : CBool

Default: True

No description

ZMQInteractiveShell.xmode : ‘Context’|’Plain’|’Verbose’

Default: 'Context'

No description

ProfileDir.location : Unicode

Default: ''

Set the profile location directly. This overrides the logic used by the profile option.

Session.buffer_threshold : Int

Default: 1024

Threshold (in bytes) beyond which an object’s buffer should be extracted to avoid pickling.

Session.copy_threshold : Int

Default: 65536

Threshold (in bytes) beyond which a buffer should be sent without copying.

Session.debug : Bool

Default: False

Debug output in the Session

Session.digest_history_size : Int

Default: 65536

The maximum number of digests to remember.

The digest history will be culled when it exceeds this value.

Session.item_threshold : Int

Default: 64

The maximum number of items for a container to be introspected for custom serialization. Containers larger than this are pickled outright.

Session.key : CBytes

Default: b''

execution key, for signing messages.

Session.keyfile : Unicode

Default: ''

path to file containing execution key.

Session.metadata : Dict

Default: {}

Metadata dictionary, which serves as the default top-level metadata dict for each message.

Session.packer : DottedObjectName

Default: 'json'

The name of the packer for serializing messages. Should be one of ‘json’, ‘pickle’, or an import name for a custom callable serializer.

Session.session : CUnicode

Default: ''

The UUID identifying this session.

Session.signature_scheme : Unicode

Default: 'hmac-sha256'

The digest scheme used to construct the message signatures. Must have the form ‘hmac-HASH’.

Session.unpacker : DottedObjectName

Default: 'json'

The name of the unpacker for unserializing messages. Only used with custom functions for packer.

Session.username : Unicode

Default: 'bussonniermatthias'

Username for the Session. Default is your system username.