Bases: list
Class to store user input.
It’s basically a list, but slices return a string instead of a list, thus allowing things like (assuming ‘In’ is an instance):
exec In[4:7]
exec In[5:9] + In[14] + In[21:25]
x.__init__(...) initializes x; see x.__class__.__doc__ for signature
Add a command to the list with the appropriate index.
If the index is greater than the current length of the list, empty strings are added in between.
Return the input string with single and double quotes escaped out.
Executes a command and returns the output.
Parameters : | cmd : str
verbose : bool
debug : bool
header : str
split : bool
Return string s in appropriate quotes, using raw string if possible.
XXX - example removed because it caused encoding errors in documentation generation. We need a new example that doesn’t contain invalid chars.
Note the use of raw string and padding at the end to allow trailing backslash.
Execute a command in the system shell; always return None.
This returns None so it can be conveniently used in interactive loops without getting the return value (typically 0) printed many times.
Parameters : | cmd : str
verbose : bool
debug : bool
header : str