Inheritance diagram for IPython.kernel.clientconnector:
A class for handling client connections to the controller.
Bases: object
This class gets remote references from furls and returns the wrapped clients.
This class is also used in and to create a single per client-process Tub.
Get a remote reference and wrap it in a client by furl.
This method first gets a remote reference and then calls its get_client_name method to find the apprpriate client class that should be used to wrap the remote reference.
Parameters: |
Returns: | A deferred to the actual client class |
Get the multiengine controller client.
This method is a simple wrapper around get_client that allow furl_or_file to be empty, in which case, the furls is taken from the default furl file given in the configuration.
Parameters: |
Returns: | A deferred to the actual client class |
Get a remote reference using a furl or a file containing a furl.
Remote references are cached locally so once a remote reference has been retrieved for a given furl, the cached version is returned.
Parameters: |
Returns: | A deferred to a remote reference |
Get the task controller client.
This method is a simple wrapper around get_client that allow furl_or_file to be empty, in which case, the furls is taken from the default furl file given in the configuration.
Parameters: |
Returns: | A deferred to the actual client class |