Inheritance diagram for IPython.kernel.mapper:
A parallelized version of Python’s builtin map.
Bases: zope.interface.Interface
The basic interface for a Mapper.
This defines a generic interface for mapping. The idea of this is similar to that of Python’s builtin map function, which applies a function elementwise to a sequence.
Bases: object
A Mapper for IMultiEngine implementers.
Create a Mapper for a multiengine.
The value of all arguments are used for all calls to map. This class allows these arguemnts to be set for a series of map calls.
Parameters: |
Bases: object
Make an IBlockingTaskClient look like an IMapper.
This class provides a load balanced version of map.
Create a IMapper given a IBlockingTaskClient and arguments.
The additional arguments are those that are common to all types of tasks and are described in the documentation for IPython.kernel.task.BaseTask.
Parameters: |
Bases: object
Make an ITaskController look like an IMapper.
This class provides a load balanced version of map.
Create a IMapper given a TaskController and arguments.
The additional arguments are those that are common to all types of tasks and are described in the documentation for IPython.kernel.task.BaseTask.
Parameters: |