Inheritance diagram for IPython.kernel.pendingdeferred:
Classes to manage pending Deferreds.
A pending deferred is a deferred that may or may not have fired. This module is useful for taking a class whose methods return deferreds and wrapping it to provide API that keeps track of those deferreds for later retrieval. See the tests for examples of its usage.
Bases: object
A class to track pending deferreds.
To track a pending deferred, the user of this class must first get a deferredID by calling get_next_deferred_id. Then the user calls save_pending_deferred passing that id and the deferred to be tracked. To later retrieve it, the user calls get_pending_deferred passing the id.
Remove a deferred I am tracking and add a null Errback.
Parameters: |
Save the result of a deferred for later retrieval.
This works even if the deferred has not fired.
Only callbacks and errbacks applied to d before this method is called will be called no the final result.
Wrap methods that return a deferred into a two phase process.
This transforms:
foo(arg1, arg2, ...) -> foo(arg1, arg2,...,block=True).
The wrapped method will then return a deferred to a deferred id. This will only work on method of classes that inherit from PendingDeferredManager, as that class provides an API for
block is a boolean to determine if we should use the two phase process or just simply call the wrapped method. At this point block does not have a default and it probably won’t.