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Module: utils.path

Inheritance diagram for IPython.utils.path:

Utilities for path handling.



class IPython.utils.path.HomeDirError

Bases: exceptions.Exception


x.__init__(...) initializes x; see x.__class__.__doc__ for signature




Check for old config files, and present a warning if they exist.

A link to the docs of the new config is included in the message.

This should mitigate confusion with the transition to the new config system in 0.11.


Expand $VARS and ~names in a string, like a shell

Examples :

In [2]: os.environ[‘FOO’]=’test’

In [3]: expand_path(‘variable FOO is $FOO’) Out[3]: ‘variable FOO is test’

IPython.utils.path.filefind(filename, path_dirs=None)

Find a file by looking through a sequence of paths.

This iterates through a sequence of paths looking for a file and returns the full, absolute path of the first occurence of the file. If no set of path dirs is given, the filename is tested as is, after running through expandvars() and expanduser(). Thus a simple call:


will find the file in the current working dir, but:


Will find the file in the users home directory. This function does not automatically try any paths, such as the cwd or the user’s home directory.

Parameters :

filename : str

The filename to look for.

path_dirs : str, None or sequence of str

The sequence of paths to look for the file in. If None, the filename need to be absolute or be in the cwd. If a string, the string is put into a sequence and the searched. If a sequence, walk through each element and join with filename, calling expandvars() and expanduser() before testing for existence.

Returns :

Raises :exc:`IOError` or returns absolute path to file. :


Make an MD5 hash of a file, ignoring any differences in line ending characters.


Return the closest possible equivalent to a ‘home’ directory.

  • On POSIX, we try $HOME.
  • On Windows we try: - %HOMESHARE% - %HOMEDRIVE%HOMEPATH% - %USERPROFILE% - Registry hack for My Documents - %HOME%: rare, but some people with unix-like setups may have defined it
  • On Dos C:

Currently only Posix and NT are implemented, a HomeDirError exception is raised for all other OSes.


Get the IPython directory for this platform and user.

This uses the logic in get_home_dir to find the home directory and the adds .ipython to the end of the path.


Find the path to an IPython module in this version of IPython.

This will always find the version of the module that is in this importable IPython package. This will always return the path to the .py version of the module.


Get the base directory where IPython itself is installed.


Expand a path into its long form.

On Windows this expands any ~ in the paths. On other platforms, it is a null operation.


Return a valid python filename in the current directory.

If the given name is not a file, it adds ‘.py’ and searches again. Raises IOError with an informative message if the file isn’t found.


Return the XDG_CONFIG_HOME, if it is defined and exists, else None.

This is only for posix (Linux,Unix,OS X, etc) systems.

IPython.utils.path.target_outdated(target, deps)

Determine whether a target is out of date.

target_outdated(target,deps) -> 1/0

deps: list of filenames which MUST exist. target: single filename which may or may not exist.

If target doesn’t exist or is older than any file listed in deps, return true, otherwise return false.

IPython.utils.path.target_update(target, deps, cmd)

Update a target with a given command given a list of dependencies.

target_update(target,deps,cmd) -> runs cmd if target is outdated.

This is just a wrapper around target_outdated() which calls the given command if target is outdated.