Inheritance diagram for IPython.testing.ipunittest:
Experimental code for cleaner support of IPython syntax with unittest.
In IPython up until 0.10, we’ve used very hacked up nose machinery for running tests with IPython special syntax, and this has proved to be extremely slow. This module provides decorators to try a different approach, stemming from a conversation Brian and I (FP) had about this problem Sept/09.
The goal is to be able to easily write simple functions that can be seen by unittest as tests, and ultimately for these to support doctests with full IPython syntax. Nose already offers this based on naming conventions and our hackish plugins, but we are seeking to move away from nose dependencies if possible.
This module follows a different approach, based on decorators.
Bases: object
Class whose instances act as a decorator for docstring testing.
In practice we’re only likely to need one instance ever, made below (though no attempt is made at turning it into a singleton, there is no need for that).
New decorator.
Parameters : | verbose : boolean, optional (False)