Bases: list
Class to store user input.
It’s basically a list, but slices return a string instead of a list, thus allowing things like (assuming ‘In’ is an instance):
exec In[4:7]
exec In[5:9] + In[14] + In[21:25]
Add a command to the list with the appropriate index.
If the index is greater than the current length of the list, empty strings are added in between.
Executes a command and returns the output.
Parameters: | cmd : str
verbose : bool
debug : bool
header : str
split : bool
Return string s in appropriate quotes, using raw string if possible.
XXX - example removed because it caused encoding errors in documentation generation. We need a new example that doesn’t contain invalid chars.
Note the use of raw string and padding at the end to allow trailing backslash.
Execute a command in the system shell; always return None.
This returns None so it can be conveniently used in interactive loops without getting the return value (typically 0) printed many times.
Parameters: | cmd : str
verbose : bool
debug : bool
header : str