This documentation is for an old version of IPython. You can find docs for newer versions here.
The IPython API¶
Release: | 3.2.1 |
Date: | September 25, 2015 |
IPython |
IPython: tools for interactive and parallel computing in Python. |
IPython.config.application |
A base class for a configurable application. |
IPython.config.configurable |
A base class for objects that are configurable. |
IPython.config.loader |
A simple configuration system. |
IPython.config.manager |
Manager to read and modify config data in JSON files. |
IPython.consoleapp |
A minimal application base mixin for all ZMQ based IPython frontends. |
IPython.core.alias |
System command aliases. |
IPython.core.application |
An application for IPython. |
IPython.core.autocall |
Autocall capabilities for IPython.core. |
IPython.core.builtin_trap |
A context manager for managing things injected into __builtin__ . |
IPython.core.compilerop |
Compiler tools with improved interactive support. |
IPython.core.completer |
Word completion for IPython. |
IPython.core.completerlib |
Implementations for various useful completers. |
IPython.core.crashhandler |
sys.excepthook for IPython itself, leaves a detailed report on disk. |
IPython.core.debugger |
Pdb debugger class. |
IPython.core.error |
Global exception classes for IPython.core. |
IPython.core.events |
Infrastructure for registering and firing callbacks on application events. |
IPython.core.excolors |
Color schemes for exception handling code in IPython. |
IPython.core.extensions |
A class for managing IPython extensions. |
IPython.core.formatters |
Display formatters. |
IPython.core.getipython |
Simple function to call to get the current InteractiveShell instance |
IPython.core.history |
History related magics and functionality |
IPython.core.historyapp |
An application for managing IPython history. |
IPython.core.hooks |
Hooks for IPython. |
IPython.core.inputsplitter |
Input handling and transformation machinery. |
IPython.core.inputtransformer |
Input transformer classes to support IPython special syntax. |
IPython.core.interactiveshell |
Main IPython class. |
IPython.core.logger |
Logger class for IPython’s logging facilities. |
IPython.core.macro |
Support for interactive macros in IPython |
IPython.core.magic |
Magic functions for InteractiveShell. |
IPython.core.magic_arguments |
A decorator-based method of constructing IPython magics with argparse option handling. |
IPython.core.oinspect |
Tools for inspecting Python objects. |
IPython.core.page |
Paging capabilities for IPython.core |
IPython.core.payload |
Payload system for IPython. |
IPython.core.payloadpage |
A payload based version of page. |
IPython.core.prefilter |
Prefiltering components. |
IPython.core.profileapp |
An application for managing IPython profiles. |
IPython.core.profiledir |
An object for managing IPython profile directories. |
IPython.core.prompts |
Classes for handling input/output prompts. |
IPython.core.pylabtools |
Pylab (matplotlib) support utilities. |
IPython.core.shellapp |
A mixin for Application classes that launch InteractiveShell instances, load extensions, etc. |
IPython.core.splitinput |
Simple utility for splitting user input. |
IPython.core.ultratb |
Verbose and colourful traceback formatting. |
IPython.core.usage |
Usage information for the main IPython applications. |
IPython.display |
Public API for display tools in IPython. |
IPython.html.auth.login |
Tornado handlers for logging into the notebook. |
IPython.html.auth.logout |
Tornado handlers for logging out of the notebook. |
IPython.html.base.handlers |
Base Tornado handlers for the notebook server. |
IPython.html.base.zmqhandlers |
Tornado handlers for WebSocket <-> ZMQ sockets. |
IPython.html.edit.handlers |
Tornado handlers for the terminal emulator. |
IPython.html.files.handlers |
Serve files directly from the ContentsManager. |
IPython.html.kernelspecs.handlers |
IPython.html.log |
IPython.html.nbconvert.handlers |
Tornado handlers for nbconvert. |
IPython.html.nbextensions |
Utilities for installing Javascript extensions for the notebook |
IPython.html.notebook.handlers |
Tornado handlers for the live notebook view. |
IPython.html.notebookapp |
A tornado based IPython notebook server. |
IPython.html.services.clusters.clustermanager |
Manage IPython.parallel clusters in the notebook. |
IPython.html.services.clusters.handlers |
Tornado handlers for cluster web service. |
IPython.html.services.config.handlers |
Tornado handlers for frontend config storage. |
IPython.html.services.config.manager |
Manager to read and modify frontend config data in JSON files. |
IPython.html.services.contents.checkpoints |
Classes for managing Checkpoints. |
IPython.html.services.contents.filecheckpoints |
File-based Checkpoints implementations. |
IPython.html.services.contents.fileio |
Utilities for file-based Contents/Checkpoints managers. |
IPython.html.services.contents.filemanager |
A contents manager that uses the local file system for storage. |
IPython.html.services.contents.handlers |
Tornado handlers for the contents web service. |
IPython.html.services.contents.manager |
A base class for contents managers. |
IPython.html.services.kernels.handlers |
Tornado handlers for kernels. |
IPython.html.services.kernels.kernelmanager |
A MultiKernelManager for use in the notebook webserver |
IPython.html.services.kernelspecs.handlers |
Tornado handlers for kernel specifications. |
IPython.html.services.nbconvert.handlers |
IPython.html.services.security.handlers |
Tornado handlers for security logging. |
IPython.html.services.sessions.handlers |
Tornado handlers for the sessions web service. |
IPython.html.services.sessions.sessionmanager |
A base class session manager. |
IPython.html.terminal |
IPython.html.terminal.api_handlers |
IPython.html.terminal.handlers |
IPython.html.tree.handlers |
Tornado handlers for the tree view. |
IPython.html.utils |
Notebook related utilities |
IPython.html.widgets.interaction |
Interact with functions using widgets. |
IPython.html.widgets.trait_types |
Trait types for html widgets. |
IPython.html.widgets.widget |
Base Widget class. |
IPython.html.widgets.widget_bool |
Bool class. |
IPython.html.widgets.widget_box |
Box class. |
IPython.html.widgets.widget_button |
Button class. |
IPython.html.widgets.widget_float |
Float class. |
IPython.html.widgets.widget_image |
Image class. |
IPython.html.widgets.widget_int |
Int class. |
IPython.html.widgets.widget_link |
Link and DirectionalLink classes. |
IPython.html.widgets.widget_output |
Output class. |
IPython.html.widgets.widget_selection |
Selection classes. |
IPython.html.widgets.widget_selectioncontainer |
SelectionContainer class. |
IPython.html.widgets.widget_string |
String class. |
IPython.kernel.adapter |
Adapters for IPython msg spec versions. |
IPython.kernel.blocking.channels |
Blocking channels |
IPython.kernel.blocking.client |
Implements a fully blocking kernel client. |
IPython.kernel.channels |
Base classes to manage a Client’s interaction with a running kernel |
IPython.kernel.channelsabc |
Abstract base classes for kernel client channels |
IPython.kernel.client |
Base class to manage the interaction with a running kernel |
IPython.kernel.clientabc |
Abstract base class for kernel clients |
IPython.kernel.comm.comm |
Base class for a Comm |
IPython.kernel.comm.manager |
Base class to manage comms |
IPython.kernel.connect |
Utilities for connecting to kernels |
IPython.kernel.inprocess.blocking |
Implements a fully blocking kernel client. |
IPython.kernel.inprocess.channels |
A kernel client for in-process kernels. |
IPython.kernel.inprocess.client |
A client for in-process kernels. |
IPython.kernel.inprocess.ipkernel |
An in-process kernel |
IPython.kernel.inprocess.manager |
A kernel manager for in-process kernels. |
IPython.kernel.inprocess.socket |
Defines a dummy socket implementing (part of) the zmq.Socket interface. |
IPython.kernel.ioloop.manager |
A kernel manager with a tornado IOLoop |
IPython.kernel.ioloop.restarter |
A basic in process kernel monitor with autorestarting. |
IPython.kernel.kernelspec |
IPython.kernel.kernelspecapp |
IPython.kernel.launcher |
Utilities for launching kernels |
IPython.kernel.manager |
Base class to manage a running kernel |
IPython.kernel.managerabc |
Abstract base class for kernel managers. |
IPython.kernel.multikernelmanager |
A kernel manager for multiple kernels |
IPython.kernel.restarter |
A basic kernel monitor with autorestarting. |
IPython.kernel.threaded |
Defines a KernelClient that provides thread-safe sockets with async callbacks on message replies. |
IPython.kernel.zmq.datapub |
Publishing native (typically pickled) objects. |
IPython.kernel.zmq.displayhook |
Replacements for sys.displayhook that publish over ZMQ. |
IPython.kernel.zmq.embed |
Simple function for embedding an IPython kernel |
IPython.kernel.zmq.eventloops |
Event loop integration for the ZeroMQ-based kernels. |
IPython.kernel.zmq.heartbeat |
The client and server for a basic ping-pong style heartbeat. |
IPython.kernel.zmq.iostream |
Wrappers for forwarding stdout/stderr over zmq |
IPython.kernel.zmq.ipkernel |
The IPython kernel implementation |
IPython.kernel.zmq.kernelapp |
An Application for launching a kernel |
IPython.kernel.zmq.kernelbase |
Base class for a kernel that talks to frontends over 0MQ. |
IPython.kernel.zmq.log |
IPython.kernel.zmq.parentpoller |
IPython.kernel.zmq.pylab.backend_inline |
A matplotlib backend for publishing figures via display_data |
IPython.kernel.zmq.pylab.config |
Configurable for configuring the IPython inline backend |
IPython.kernel.zmq.serialize |
serialization utilities for apply messages |
IPython.kernel.zmq.session |
Session object for building, serializing, sending, and receiving messages in IPython. |
IPython.kernel.zmq.zmqshell |
A ZMQ-based subclass of InteractiveShell. |
IPython.lib.backgroundjobs |
Manage background (threaded) jobs conveniently from an interactive shell. |
IPython.lib.clipboard |
Utilities for accessing the platform’s clipboard. |
IPython.lib.deepreload |
Provides a reload() function that acts recursively. |
IPython.lib.demo |
Module for interactive demos using IPython. |
IPython.lib.editorhooks |
‘editor’ hooks for common editors that work well with ipython |
IPython.lib.guisupport |
Support for creating GUI apps and starting event loops. |
IPython.lib.inputhook |
Inputhook management for GUI event loop integration. |
IPython.lib.latextools |
Tools for handling LaTeX. |
IPython.lib.lexers |
Defines a variety of Pygments lexers for highlighting IPython code. |
IPython.lib.pretty |
Python advanced pretty printer. |
IPython.lib.security |
Password generation for the IPython notebook. |
IPython.nbconvert.exporters.exporter |
This module defines a base Exporter class. |
IPython.nbconvert.exporters.html |
HTML Exporter class |
IPython.nbconvert.exporters.latex |
LaTeX Exporter class |
IPython.nbconvert.exporters.markdown |
Markdown Exporter class |
IPython.nbconvert.exporters.notebook |
NotebookExporter class |
IPython.nbconvert.exporters.pdf |
Export to PDF via latex |
IPython.nbconvert.exporters.python |
Python script Exporter class |
IPython.nbconvert.exporters.rst |
restructuredText Exporter class |
IPython.nbconvert.exporters.script |
Generic script exporter class for any kernel language |
IPython.nbconvert.exporters.slides |
HTML slide show Exporter class |
IPython.nbconvert.exporters.templateexporter |
This module defines TemplateExporter, a highly configurable converter that uses Jinja2 to export notebook files into different formats. |
IPython.nbconvert.filters.ansi |
Filters for processing ANSI colors within Jinja templates. |
IPython.nbconvert.filters.citation |
Citation handling for LaTeX output. |
IPython.nbconvert.filters.datatypefilter |
Filter used to select the first preferred output format available. |
IPython.nbconvert.filters.highlight |
Module containing filter functions that allow code to be highlighted from within Jinja templates. |
IPython.nbconvert.filters.latex |
Latex filters. |
IPython.nbconvert.filters.markdown |
Markdown filters |
IPython.nbconvert.filters.markdown_mistune |
IPython.nbconvert.filters.strings |
String filters. |
IPython.nbconvert.nbconvertapp |
NbConvert is a utility for conversion of .ipynb files. |
IPython.nbconvert.postprocessors.base |
Basic post processor |
IPython.nbconvert.postprocessors.serve |
PostProcessor for serving reveal.js HTML slideshows. |
IPython.nbconvert.preprocessors.base |
Base class for preprocessors |
IPython.nbconvert.preprocessors.clearoutput |
Module containing a preprocessor that removes the outputs from code cells |
IPython.nbconvert.preprocessors.coalescestreams |
Preprocessor for merging consecutive stream outputs for easier handling. |
IPython.nbconvert.preprocessors.convertfigures |
Module containing a preprocessor that converts outputs in the notebook from one format to another. |
IPython.nbconvert.preprocessors.csshtmlheader |
Module that pre-processes the notebook for export to HTML. |
IPython.nbconvert.preprocessors.execute |
Module containing a preprocessor that removes the outputs from code cells |
IPython.nbconvert.preprocessors.extractoutput |
A preprocessor that extracts all of the outputs from the notebook file. |
IPython.nbconvert.preprocessors.highlightmagics |
This preprocessor detect cells using a different language through magic extensions such as %%R or %%octave . |
IPython.nbconvert.preprocessors.latex |
Module that allows latex output notebooks to be conditioned before they are converted. |
IPython.nbconvert.preprocessors.revealhelp |
Module that pre-processes the notebook for export via Reveal. |
IPython.nbconvert.preprocessors.svg2pdf |
Module containing a preprocessor that converts outputs in the notebook from one format to another. |
IPython.nbconvert.utils.base |
Global configuration class. |
IPython.nbconvert.utils.exceptions |
NbConvert specific exceptions |
IPython.nbconvert.utils.pandoc |
Utility for calling pandoc |
IPython.nbconvert.writers.base |
Contains writer base class. |
IPython.nbconvert.writers.debug |
Contains debug writer. |
IPython.nbconvert.writers.files |
Contains writer for writing nbconvert output to filesystem. |
IPython.nbconvert.writers.stdout |
Contains Stdout writer |
IPython.nbformat |
The IPython notebook format |
IPython.nbformat.reader |
API for reading notebooks of different versions |
IPython.nbformat.sign |
Utilities for signing notebooks |
IPython.nbformat.v3 |
The main API for the v3 notebook format. |
IPython.nbformat.v3.convert |
Code for converting notebooks to and from the v2 format. |
IPython.nbformat.v3.nbjson |
Read and write notebooks in JSON format. |
IPython.nbformat.v3.nbpy |
Read and write notebooks as regular .py files. |
IPython.nbformat.v3.rwbase |
Base classes and utilities for readers and writers. |
IPython.nbformat.v4 |
The main API for the v4 notebook format. |
IPython.nbformat.v4.convert |
Code for converting notebooks to and from v3. |
IPython.nbformat.v4.nbjson |
Read and write notebooks in JSON format. |
IPython.nbformat.v4.rwbase |
Base classes and utilities for readers and writers. |
IPython.parallel |
The IPython ZMQ-based parallel computing interface. |
IPython.parallel.apps.baseapp |
The Base Application class for IPython.parallel apps |
IPython.parallel.apps.ipclusterapp |
The ipcluster application. |
IPython.parallel.apps.ipcontrollerapp |
The IPython controller application. |
IPython.parallel.apps.ipengineapp |
The IPython engine application |
IPython.parallel.apps.iploggerapp |
A simple IPython logger application |
IPython.parallel.apps.launcher |
Facilities for launching IPython processes asynchronously. |
IPython.parallel.apps.logwatcher |
A simple logger object that consolidates messages incoming from ipcluster processes. |
IPython.parallel.apps.win32support |
Utility for forwarding file read events over a zmq socket. |
IPython.parallel.apps.winhpcjob |
Job and task components for writing .xml files that the Windows HPC Server 2008 can use to start jobs. |
IPython.parallel.client.asyncresult |
AsyncResult objects for the client |
IPython.parallel.client.client |
A semi-synchronous Client for IPython parallel |
IPython.parallel.client.magics |
Magic command interface for interactive parallel work. |
IPython.parallel.client.map |
Classes used in scattering and gathering sequences. |
IPython.parallel.client.remotefunction |
Remote Functions and decorators for Views. |
IPython.parallel.client.view |
Views of remote engines. |
IPython.parallel.controller.dependency |
Dependency utilities |
IPython.parallel.controller.dictdb |
A Task logger that presents our DB interface, but exists entirely in memory and implemented with dicts. |
IPython.parallel.controller.heartmonitor |
A multi-heart Heartbeat system using PUB and ROUTER sockets. |
IPython.parallel.controller.hub |
The IPython Controller Hub with 0MQ |
IPython.parallel.controller.mongodb |
IPython.parallel.controller.scheduler |
The Python scheduler for rich scheduling. |
IPython.parallel.controller.sqlitedb |
A TaskRecord backend using sqlite3 |
IPython.parallel.engine.engine |
A simple engine that talks to a controller over 0MQ. |
IPython.parallel.error |
Classes and functions for kernel related errors and exceptions. |
IPython.parallel.factory |
Base config factories. |
IPython.parallel.util |
Some generic utilities for dealing with classes, urls, and serialization. |
IPython.qt.base_frontend_mixin |
Defines a convenient mix-in class for implementing Qt frontends. |
IPython.qt.client |
Defines a KernelClient that provides signals and slots. |
IPython.qt.console.ansi_code_processor |
Utilities for processing ANSI escape codes and special ASCII characters. |
IPython.qt.console.bracket_matcher |
Provides bracket matching for Q[Plain]TextEdit widgets. |
IPython.qt.console.call_tip_widget |
IPython.qt.console.completion_html |
A navigable completer for the qtconsole |
IPython.qt.console.completion_plain |
A simple completer for the qtconsole |
IPython.qt.console.completion_widget |
A dropdown completer widget for the qtconsole. |
IPython.qt.console.console_widget |
An abstract base class for console-type widgets. |
IPython.qt.console.frontend_widget |
Frontend widget for the Qt Console |
IPython.qt.console.history_console_widget |
IPython.qt.console.ipython_widget |
A FrontendWidget that emulates the interface of the console IPython. |
IPython.qt.console.kill_ring |
A generic Emacs-style kill ring, as well as a Qt-specific version. |
IPython.qt.console.magic_helper |
MagicHelper - dockable widget showing magic commands for the MainWindow |
IPython.qt.console.mainwindow |
The Qt MainWindow for the QtConsole |
IPython.qt.console.pygments_highlighter |
IPython.qt.console.qtconsoleapp |
A minimal application using the Qt console-style IPython frontend. |
IPython.qt.console.rich_ipython_widget |
IPython.qt.console.styles |
Style utilities, templates, and defaults for syntax highlighting widgets. |
IPython.qt.inprocess |
Defines an in-process KernelManager with signals and slots. |
IPython.qt.kernel_mixins |
Defines a KernelManager that provides signals and slots. |
IPython.qt.manager |
Defines a KernelClient that provides signals and slots. |
IPython.qt.rich_text |
Defines classes and functions for working with Qt’s rich text system. |
IPython.qt.svg |
Defines utility functions for working with SVG documents in Qt. |
IPython.qt.util |
Defines miscellaneous Qt-related helper classes and functions. |
IPython.sphinxext.custom_doctests |
Handlers for IPythonDirective’s @doctest pseudo-decorator. |
IPython.sphinxext.ipython_console_highlighting |
reST directive for syntax-highlighting ipython interactive sessions. |
IPython.sphinxext.ipython_directive |
Sphinx directive to support embedded IPython code. |
IPython.terminal.console.app |
A minimal application using the ZMQ-based terminal IPython frontend. |
IPython.terminal.console.completer |
Adapt readline completer interface to make ZMQ request. |
IPython.terminal.console.interactiveshell |
terminal client to the IPython kernel |
IPython.terminal.console.zmqhistory |
ZMQ Kernel History accessor and manager. |
IPython.terminal.embed |
An embedded IPython shell. |
IPython.terminal.interactiveshell |
Subclass of InteractiveShell for terminal based frontends. |
IPython.terminal.ipapp |
The Application object for the command line ipython program. |
IPython.testing |
Testing support (tools to test IPython itself). |
IPython.testing.decorators |
Decorators for labeling test objects. |
IPython.testing.globalipapp |
Global IPython app to support test running. |
IPython.testing.iptest |
IPython Test Suite Runner. |
IPython.testing.iptestcontroller |
IPython Test Process Controller |
IPython.testing.ipunittest |
Experimental code for cleaner support of IPython syntax with unittest. |
IPython.testing.skipdoctest |
Decorators marks that a doctest should be skipped, for both python 2 and 3. |
IPython.testing.tools |
Generic testing tools. |
IPython.utils.PyColorize |
Class and program to colorize python source code for ANSI terminals. |
IPython.utils.capture |
IO capturing utilities. |
IPython.utils.codeutil |
Utilities to enable code objects to be pickled. |
IPython.utils.coloransi |
Tools for coloring text in ANSI terminals. |
IPython.utils.contexts |
Context managers for temporarily updating dictionaries. |
IPython.utils.daemonize |
daemonize function from twisted.scripts._twistd_unix. |
IPython.utils.data |
Utilities for working with data structures like lists, dicts and tuples. |
IPython.utils.decorators |
Decorators that don’t go anywhere else. |
IPython.utils.dir2 |
A fancy version of Python’s builtin dir() function. |
IPython.utils.doctestreload |
A utility for handling the reloading of doctest. |
IPython.utils.encoding |
Utilities for dealing with text encodings |
IPython.utils.eventful |
Contains eventful dict and list implementations. |
IPython.utils.frame |
Utilities for working with stack frames. |
IPython.utils.generics |
Generic functions for extending IPython. |
IPython.utils.importstring |
A simple utility to import something by its string name. |
IPython.utils.io |
IO related utilities. |
IPython.utils.ipstruct |
A dict subclass that supports attribute style access. |
IPython.utils.jsonutil |
Utilities to manipulate JSON objects. |
IPython.utils.localinterfaces |
Simple utility for building a list of local IPs using the socket module. |
IPython.utils.log |
Grab the global logger instance. |
IPython.utils.module_paths |
Utility functions for finding modules |
IPython.utils.openpy |
Tools to open .py files as Unicode, using the encoding specified within the file, as per PEP 263. |
IPython.utils.path |
Utilities for path handling. |
IPython.utils.pickleshare |
PickleShare - a small ‘shelve’ like datastore with concurrency support |
IPython.utils.pickleutil |
Pickle related utilities. |
IPython.utils.process |
Utilities for working with external processes. |
IPython.utils.rlineimpl |
Imports and provides the ‘correct’ version of readline for the platform. |
IPython.utils.signatures |
Function signature objects for callables. |
IPython.utils.strdispatch |
String dispatch class to match regexps and dispatch commands. |
IPython.utils.submodule |
utilities for checking submodule status |
IPython.utils.sysinfo |
Utilities for getting information about IPython and the system it’s running in. |
IPython.utils.syspathcontext |
Context managers for adding things to sys.path temporarily. |
IPython.utils.tempdir |
TemporaryDirectory class, copied from Python 3.2. |
IPython.utils.terminal |
Utilities for working with terminals. |
IPython.utils.text |
Utilities for working with strings and text. |
IPython.utils.timing |
Utilities for timing code execution. |
IPython.utils.tokenutil |
Token-related utilities |
IPython.utils.traitlets |
A lightweight Traits like module. |
IPython.utils.tz |
Timezone utilities |
IPython.utils.ulinecache |
Wrapper around linecache which decodes files to unicode according to PEP 263. |
IPython.utils.version |
Utilities for version comparison |
IPython.utils.warn |
Utilities for warnings. |
IPython.utils.wildcard |
Support for wildcard pattern matching in object inspection. |
IPython.utils.zmqrelated |
Utilities for checking zmq versions. |